
(Please note that all videos have been kept small for easier use.)

Showreel 2007 1st Quarter

Vincent Price Short (YouTube)

Shiva: Postal Worker: Another day in a deadend job....

All I Want For Xmas Is To Conform: Satirical look at consumer christmas. Finished Grad Piece.

Midnight Panda: The late night musings of the Panda that almost made the great. (written by Stephan Fry)

Extented Caspian Gash: Extended animation used in The DreamWalker Trailer.

The DreamWalker: Trailer for proposed series. Influenced by Neil Gaiman's Sandman.

(Dream Walker Talents: Simon Smith, Ben Healy, Matt Brown, James Woodrow, Mark Hewitt, Jamie Evans and Alan Williamson.)


Simon Smith Animator & Cartoonist ©2008